Activities and Adventures
Each day at Camp Gan Israel is filled with a variety of activities and adventures.
Here is just a sampling of what your child will experience at Camp Gan Israel:
Let's Get Wet: Every day is a get wet day at Gan Izzy. Gan Izzy campers swim at the JCC and at times enjoy water activities at Chabad House.
Let's Get Cooking: Gan Izzy campers can explore Jewish themes through many cooking and baking activities. Cookies, fruit salads, Challah and more - your child is sure to love this part of our program.
Let's Get Moving: Physical activity is a big part of the Gan Izzy day. Children have the opportunity to participate in sports and dance activities.
Let's Get Going: Each week at Gan Izzy brings the opportunity to go on two exciting field trips. Camp t-shirts are required on field trip days. (One free t-shirt provided per child.)